Feb 14·edited Feb 14Liked by Allen

I love this comparison. I do hope that the Bucks can find a bit more success mainly cause I love Dame, but after today's lost to Miami, it seems like this apple vision pro is turning into a horrendous free trial that needs a cancellation.

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lol!!! Legit just almost popped my headphone out my ear from laughter. Well said. But also I couldn’t agree more, I love Dame. I want to see him in a winning program. It also brings up real questions about Giannis. He’s sort of in a slump, at least as much as a SS on his level can be. He’s made some unsavory decisions as of late and I can’t imagine how irritating this must all be to him. Jokic and Embiid have surpassed him as “best player in the league” IMO and his team is not as good as at least 3 to 4 teams in the league right now. I wonder if he’ll ask for a trade.. may have to write about Giannis, I’ve been thinking him about him

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