Sep 16, 2023Liked by Allen

Two recipes come to mind – Ray Kroc’s ( possibly not quite – but he be the originator of the brand and the sweet capitalism that made it happen) / McDonalds – Pink slime ( add antibiotic propped chicken trimmings and enough ammonia to detonate a small middle eastern city no one cares about) – deep fry in some Canola oil – crispy goodness.. but the clock is ticking, the taste dissipates if its not consumed immediately. The alternative, well – picture a cobbler free ranging “they’re” own chickens, sustainably grown and slaughtered “honestly”. Add bread crumbs, spices and a mincer. Then deep fry in some cold pressed organic olive oil. The difference? Which one flips a coin quicker? – On the eve of 5,784 its depressing to learn that 2023 was actually 3,761 years ago – well before the Neolithic folk understood the value of the right way to prepare poultry.. I digress.. of course. ..

So, Going back a few years now, I had a conversation to the effect of why is the “world series” in baseball only really acknowledged in both the US and Japan ( that happened later)… How is it a world series when it originates, engages and ultimately decides rules of engagement in an insular manner? An answer to the described conundrum I received on different occasions was, America is part of the world, ahead in base ball and most of all – “we can call it whatever the frick we want” – again how is that a world series? This question digs deep, one of cultural identify, tribal direction and of course a John Wayne approach to bulldozing things through. There are plenty of rebuttals and logical arguments, but ultimately the real answer is that ; why not call it the world series? Or why should it not be the world championships? As astutely described, the Olympics may be the world standard as is the United Nations all in things globally-political, the the truism in the argument is open to interpretation. And those that commandeer it – be they, countries or individuals alike are no less wrong or right than those that argue against them.

The real question is, what would those Neolithic folk from 3,761BC think about dipping poultry trimmings into some type of sauce like concussion think? The best taste in the world? Or its gotta grow on you 😉

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You nailed this.

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