After the starting unit of Jokic, Murray, Gordon, Porter, and Braun rotate, look for a Jokic, Porter, Westbrook, Watson, and Strawther rotation, then running with a Murray, Gordon, Braun, Westbrook and Saric group.

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Oooh I fucking love that. I’m getting more and more hyped for this. It’s bring so slept on!!!

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I’m with you. Now if I could get to Abu Dhabi for the game next week.

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I'll chip in for your trip. Kickstarter?

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I wish. Kids soccer games take precedence.

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I’m fully with you on that ;)

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I bet the Russ/jokic team up will be one of the bigger stories in the nba this year. Either it becomes super problematic or, more likely, looks really good for most of the season. I think it will be good and a Westbrook resurgence with jokic would be super cool to see. But, I’d be skeptical for it to work in the playoffs.

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lol russsell crow I might steal that ;)

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Yeah it dawned on me a few weeks ago, and then again when I was writing this, that the Russ/Jokic tag team is being really slept on. It has the makings of a great “come back” story and nothing would make me happier than to see that happen, especially because it’s such an odd couple. Playoffs are definitely another matter, I think you’re right there. But at this point, I don’t think it’s smart for any team to be depending on Russ, or even Harden, for that matter, in the playoffs.

The more I think about it, Durant Russ and Harden are such symbols of the millennial NBA player. Their careers have all been so strange…

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I’m a nuggets fan and was a Russ hater and totally ready to eat crow…Russell crow?

Ha, calling those three “the millennials” is great.

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